Your Stories

desk Do you have a personal story or essay that you believe constitutes a heroine’s journey?  Whether it involves a single incident, a time in your life, or a series of incidents, we’d love to hear it.

In order to be posted the story should be less than 1000 words and generally follow the arc of one of the heroine journeys.

For longer pieces, we may be able to link them to the site.  Submissions should be proofed, polished, and ready for publication.

Recently we have been getting a lot of interest in people around the American health care debate.  We have put together a collection of stories reflecting contributors’ ongoing concerns and struggles with health care in their families and communities. You can see them here: 95 Health Care Stories

3 thoughts on “Your Stories

  1. melanie jackson says:

    I do have a Heroine’s journey, but right now I am getting ready to submit it to an online magazine I am doing an apprenticeship with. If they publish it would you still be interested in me submitting it here?

    Liked by 1 person

    • nballard says:

      If you still have permission to publish it with us after it is accepted by the online magazine, then go ahead and see if the online mag. wants it and then send it to us. Do note where it has been published and that you have permission to reprint. If they reject it, then by all means send it to us also, but once it is published here it normally counts as “publication” for all other publishers.


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